Perceptions of online safety and access to protection services in Jordan
A representatitve survey of 1,106 people in Amman on their concerns and experience of safety online.

The internet, digital technologies, and online platforms are providing increasing opportunities to stay in touch with friends and family abroad, access local and national news, receive online education, access government services, or participate in civic and social activities. However, Siren’s qualitative research in 2020 found multiple accounts of online child sexual exploitation, cyber-stalking and harassment, cyber-bullying and blackmail, and other forms of gendered cybercrimes. Numerous barriers to accessing support and projection services also exist. This survey therefore seeks to test Siren’s findings and assumptions from prior research; further provide an evidence base for activity design; and set a quantitative baseline for perceptions of safety, the availability/accessibility of protection services, and the performance of local authorities and civil society actors.