Annual statement on sustainable development
What sustainable development means to Siren in 2024

Addressing impacts on people and the environment; a zero tolerance for corruption and a commitment to labour rights.
At Siren, we understand that sustainable development is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic necessity. Our commitment to universal sustainability principles is rooted in the recognition of the interdependence between our business success, the well-being of people, and the health of the environment. In an era of climate crisis, growing political polarisation and widespread information disorder, levelling-up on our commitment to internationally accepted environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and further embedding them within our business model is therefore the only way to ensure the long-term viability of our organisation.
To solidify our ESG commitment, Siren’s has adopted an action plan to ensure that we remain ahead of the curve and play a proactive role in promoting sustainable development – not only within our organisation, but also among our beneficiaries, in our supply chains and with our partners. This action plan prompted, in 2023, the establishment of a comprehensive framework for ESG monitoring and reporting, as well as the institutionalisation of corporate risk management procedures. Our first ESG baseline report was developed in 2024, taking stock of Siren’s performance across the three ESG dimensions, benchmarked against international best practice and sustainability frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The report serves to raise awareness around the impact of our business operations on individuals, communities and the environment, with the aim to ensure that we minimise any adverse effects, whether direct or indirect. It also established science-based targets for reducing emissions and enhancing our sustainability efforts in line with global sustainability initiatives and recommendations.
Under the environmental dimension of our sustainability approach, we conduct detailed reviews of operational practices across critical areas such as energy use, waste, transportation, and paper consumption. A special focus in placed on pioneering a shift to renewable energy sources and implementing waste reduction initiatives. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint through responsible energy consumption and by fostering a culture of environmental stewardship within the organisation and the communities we serve. Also on a programmatic level, environmental considerations are streamlined across our interventions, to ensure that our assistance remains relevant, tenable, and economically efficient.
On the social front, we pledge to sustain universal human rights and promote ethical and inclusive employment practices while encouraging social engagement and community integration through our project work. By upholding international labour rights, such as those outlined by the International Labour Organization and the Ethical Trading Initiative, we prioritise fair treatment of workers, gender equality, safe working conditions, and the elimination of forced labour within our organisation and throughout our supply chains, thus contributing to building resilient and inclusive societies which are better equipped at tackling the interconnected challenges of environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic sustainability.
For Siren, the Governance part of ESG embraces the spirit of the SDG 16, which advocates for the creation of peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. As a project-based organisation specialised in supporting public sector accountability and promoting strong, transparent, and efficient institutions in the communities that we serve, Siren’s governance approach transcends mere compliance, and embeds ethical, accountable, and transparent practices into the core of our business operations and across our stakeholder network.
Finally, we recognise that upholding sustainable development principles necessitates transparency, accountability, and a strong commitment to ethical conduct. This is why our pledge to promote a responsible and just future is closely tied to our efforts to combat corruption, both within our organisation, in our supply chain, among our partners and beneficiaries and in the communities in which we operate. A zero-tolerance towards corruption, fraud, aid diversion and any type of financial mismanagement is a fundamental part of Siren’s core values. To ensure that our anti-corruption policy is integrated into our day-to-day operations, we have implemented robust controls to detect and prevent fraud. Through a strong governance and reporting framework, anti-corruption considerations integrated into our programmatic interventions, comprehensive third-party due diligence and clear roles and responsibilities, we empower staff members and stakeholders to be vigilant and uphold our commitment to ethical guardianship, ultimately guaranteeing that all funds handled by Siren are devoted to the good of countries, communities, and people – as intended by both the company and its donors.